For Sale: Over 3000pts of professionally painted Games Worpkshop Warhammer Fantasy Battle Orcs and Goblins. Check it out on Craigslist.
Email signup (at) matthewmosher (dot) us to make an offer or with any questions.

5 Goblin wolf riders with spears, shields, and musician.

25 Orcs with single choppa, shields, musician, standard, and champion.

5 Goblin wof riders with bows and musician.

5 Goblin wolf riders with spears, shields, and musician.

29 Orcs with single choppa, standard, musician, and champion.

25 Black orcs with two choppas, standard, champion, and musician.

2 Goblin spear chukkas.

25 Orcs with spears, shields, musician, standard, and champion.

Orc boar charriot.

Goblin doom diver.

Goblin rock lobba with orc boss.

19 Orcs with two choppas, original Da Warpath standard, musician, and champion.

16 Orc archers.

Alternative command for goblin wolf riders.

Alternative command for goblin wolf riders.

4 Orc boar riders with special command models: champion and standard.

Orc shaman and Goblin shaman.

Snottling pump wagon.

10 Savage orc boar boys with standard, musician, and champion.

Grigor Ironhide orc general and collectable black orc battle standard bearer.

6 Foam troop sheets and protective carry box that fits 3 of the six foam trays.