Here’s a handy video playlist of me going over the 6 principles of interaction design.
And here’s the play by play with examples:
Here’s a great example of shared physical feedback.
Check out this video on Music Bottles. Notice how only so many bottles can fit on the table, and that the stoppers only fit in the necks of the bottles? Those are physical constraints.
The relationship between swings, public spaces, and humans affords swinging, and these ones play music. Does that change how people use the swings?
The IO Brush uses a very simple conceptual model of a regular paint brush to great effect.
See this video about a hat that maps different sensor inputs to motion outputs to keep people from getting in your face! And see how NASA is mapping radio waves to sounds we can hear from the Cassini Saturn mission.
Now that you know the principles of interaction design, see if you can identify how each of them is used in the next interactive system you encounter.
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