Based on your target market analysis and research complete this SWOT template. Remember that Strengths and Weaknesses are internal to the business team while Opportunities and Threats are external. Write your SWOT as a sentence based list. For the financials, come up with a list of things you would need to get this company off the ground. This could include anything from a food truck, to a retail space lease, to server space, to software licenses, to material goods, to personal hires. (If your business includes an app and you don’t have an iOS/Android developer on your team you’ll need to hire one.) Then, research the average costs of these goods/services and include them in the budget. Try Glassdoor for salary info. A SWOT analysis gives you a good visual overview of your assets and your opposition. Use MarketLine to find a company similar to yours and read their PDF report. Try to find one that includes a SWOT analysis for reference. Include a link to the report you choose on your SWOT sheet.
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